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Table 6 PCA of BPD criteria in AMPD Metric

From: Borderline personality disorder diagnosis in a new key

BPD Criteria

Component 1 (Dyscontrol - Acting Out)

Component 2 (Self Identity Disturbance)

Criterion 1 (avoidance of abandonment)



Criterion 2 (unstable relationships)



Criterion 3 (identity disturbance)



Criterion 4 (impulsivity)



Criterion 5 (recurrent suicidal behavior)



Criterion 6 (affective instability)



Criterion 7 (chronic emptiness)



Criterion 8 (intense anger)



Criterion 9 (paranoia/dissociative symptoms)



  1. Bolded items are considered key markers for the given component. An oblimin rotation was used. PCA = principal components analysis, BPD = borderline personality disorder