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Table 2 FDSSex scores (M/SD): Group difference in total dissociation, derealization, depersonalization, and conversion in sexual situations

From: Borderline personality disorder and sexuality: causes and consequences of dissociative symptoms



(n = 114)


(n = 114)


Effect size

FDSSex total dissociation

3.95 ± 6.81

1.38 ± 2.65

< 0.001**

d = 0.50

FDSSex derealization

6.47 ± 12.54

1.76 ± 5.33

< 0.001**

d = 0.45

FDSSex depersonalization

4.54 ± 8.41

1.20 ± 2.94

< 0.001**

d = 0.53

FDSSex conversion

2.58 ± 5.84

1.24 ± 2.98


d = 0.29

  1. Notes M: mean; SD: standard deviation; HC: healthy controls; BPD: patients with borderline personality disorder; FDSSex: Fragebogen zu dissoziativen Symptomen (während des Sex) /Dissociative symptoms questionnaire (during sex); *p < 0.05 and **p <.001 indicate statistically significant differences between groups; d: Cohen’s d