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Table 1 Characteristics of the Informal Carer and the Person with BPD (n = 863)

From: The relationship between social support, coping strategies and psychological distress and positive mental well-being in carers of people with borderline personality disorder



Age (n = 856)

Mean (SD)

53.5 (10.7)

Gender (n = 862)




Prefer not to say

118 (13.7%)

739 (85.7%)

3 (0.3%)

2 (0.2%)

Education level (n = 862)


Less than graduate degree

Graduate degree

Postgraduate degree

239 (27.7%)

314 (36.4%)

309 (35.9%)




Not working

586 (67.9%)

277 (32.1%)

Relationship to person with BPD




Spouse/ Partner

Significant other

649 (75.2%)

32 (3.7%)

19 (2.2%)

137 (15.9%)

26 (3.0%)

Living with the person with BPD


521 (60.4%)

Mean years caregiving 1

Mean (SD)

12.7 (9.8)

Mean hours contact per week in last month

Mean (SD)

49.6 (54.5)

Received intervention2


639 (74%)

Chronic illness


244 (28.3%)

Person with BPD


Age (n = 862)

Mean (SD)

29.8 (13.5)

Gender (n = 861)




Prefer not to say

191 (22.1%)

640 (74.2%)

25 (2.9%)

5 (0.6%)

Employment (n = 862)


Not working

265 (30.7%)

597 (69.2%)

Estimated no. days self-harm of the PwBPD in last year (n = 615)3

Mean (SD)

22.5 (59.8)

Estimated no. of days attempted suicide in last year (n = 772)3

Mean (SD)

1.0 (4.4)

  1. Note: n = number of people who responded. 1 Two extreme outliers (100, 80) replaced with the highest value that is not an outlier (49 years). 2. The respondent was asked if they had received any intervention, education, or supports to guide them in their role as a carer for a person with BPD. 3. These values were reported by the IC rather than the PwBPD. The survey asked IC participants if they knew or were estimating the number of days of reported self-harm and attempted suicide days of the PwBPD. 19.5% of ICs that responded to the question on days of self-harm reported that they knew the number of days of self-harm by the PwBPD in the last year; 80.5% of ICs reported that their response was an estimate. 50.5% of ICs that responded to the question on days of attempted suicide reported that they knew the number of days of attempted suicide by the PwBPD in the last year; 49.5% said their response was an estimate