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Table 4 Statistics for the different paths in the mediation analysis

From: Does trait mindfulness mediate the relationship between borderline personality symptoms and emotion dysregulation?


b BCa CI

Standardised beta coefficient


a—the effect of the predictor on the mediator

.679 [-.724, -.635]

- .68

p < 0.0001

b—the effect of the mediator on the outcome whilst controlling for the predictor

-1.66 [-1.85, -1.48]

- .42

p < 0.0001

c' the effect of the predictor on the outcome independently of the mediator

18.62 [16.78, 20.47]

- .48

p < 0.0001

Indirect effect

11.29 [9.81, 12.89]

.29 [.25, .33]


c—the effect of the predictor on the outcome

29.92 [28.38, 31.46]


p < 0.001