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Table 1 Summary of Correlations, Descriptive Statistics and Results of the Analysis of Variance on the Effect of the Clinical Groups on the Variables in Study

From: Psychotic spectrum features in borderline and bipolar disorders within the scope of the DSM-5 section III personality traits: a case control study

  1. Note. * p < .05. ** p < .01. *** p < .001
  2. Coefficient of determination (r²) of moderate and large effect sizes values correlations are in bold and underlined, respectively. Very small; small; moderate; large: 10< r2≤ .25; .25< r2≤ .50; r2> .50 (Cohen, 1988). αadj B = the adjusted alpha level with the Bonferroni procedure; η2p (effect size): ≤ .05 (small); ] .05; .25] (medium); ] .25; .50] (high); > .50 (very high); π (test power): ≥ .80; 1:00] (Cohen, 1988)
  3. [S[BSI]: Somatization; O[BSI]: Obsession-compulsion; IS[BSI]: Interpersonal sensitivity; D[BSI]: Depression; A[BSI]: Anxiety; H[BSI]: Hostility; PA[BSI]: Phobic anxiety; PI[BSI]: Paranoid ideation; P[BSI]: Psychoticism]