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Table 2 Selected examples of significant statements of participants experience of the program and formulated meanings

From: Evaluation of a skills-based peer-led art therapy online-group for people with emotion dysregulation

Significant Statement

Formulated Meaning

1. Improved capacity to regulate emotions and tolerate distress

a. “Learning the… skills using art as a tool has made a massive impact on me…

I have been able to retain and utilise skills in ways I haven’t in the past.“

“Understanding [the skills] from an artistic approach has significantly increased my awareness and my willingness to sit with my feelings and use the skills.”

a. Participants reported improved accessibility and practical application of the therapy skills

b. “I’ve since used art on several occasions instead of reverting to one of my less helpful coping strategies, and I look forward to doing so more in the future. I honestly think it may even have saved my life on one of the occasions I utilised it.”

b. Participants reported that art is a useful coping strategy

c. “I have been able to embrace the process over product more and create for the sake of creating, create just because it feels good.”

c. Participants reported increased positive experiences through enjoyment of art

2. Connection with others

a. “The peer facilitation has also greatly improved the way I view the skills, the situations in which I would benefit from being skilful and my willingness to be skilful in general.”

a. Participants valued the lived experience perspective of the facilitator

b. “I have also gained confidence and know that I can be accepted and supported and can show vulnerability without feeling so uncomfortable. These are things I’ve always found challenging however I have been given an opportunity to learn in a supportive group.”

b. Participants benefitted from the supportive group process

3. Improved understanding of the self

a. “The group has improved my sense of self by helping me to look at my thoughts, feelings and behaviours and to explore my strengths and values.”

“I definitely feel like I understand myself better though, especially in terms of my feelings.”

a. Participants felt more connected to their internal experience

b. “… [Art] allowed me to express my emotions and feelings in an easier and more effective way.”

“I am now using art to connect with people, to communicate with people, and to heal my own soul.”

b. Participants reported improved self-expression

c. “I believe art is a great way in to ourselves and can assist with healing and processing of events.”

c. Participants reported therapeutic benefits of artmaking

4. Hope for living well

a. “It has given me a lot of hope for my own recovery in BPD and other mental health challenges.”

a. Participants felt more hopeful for their capacity to live well

b. “I feel like I deserve to own my identity, that I am not just a sick person, and that I deserve to ask for what I need.”

b. Participants felt empowered