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Table 3 Body ownership and state dissociation before and after stimulation with pleasant touch in borderline personality disorder patients

From: Pleasant touch perception in borderline personality disorder and its relationship with disturbed body representation



M (SD)

Mdn (IQR)


M (SD)

Mdn (IQR)


M (SD)

Mdn (IQR)

Body ownership stimulated left arm [%]

74.50 (28.80)

87.50 (46.25)

69.20 (29.56)

67.50 (52.50)

-5.30 (18.09)

-2.50 (12.50)

Body ownership non stimulated right arm [%]

78.50 (24.58)

87.50 (37.50)

74.44 (26.69)

82.50 (45.00)

-4.06 (13.57)

0.00 (9.25)

State dissociation (DSS-4)

1.85 (1.42)

1.50 (2.38)

2.68 (2.24)

2.00 (4.25)

0.83 (1.44)

0.50 (1.63)

  1. Pre = before pleasant touch application; Post = after pleasant touch application, Change = Post-Pre; M = mean; SD = standard deviation; Mdn = median; IQR = interquartile range; DSS-4 = Short version of the Dissociation tension scale acute [53]