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Table 1 DSM-5 Dimensional 25-Trait facet model [11, 20, 21]

From: Attachment, Mentalization, and Criterion B of the Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorders (AMPD)

Alternative Model Domain (Associated FFM Domain)

Brief Description

Pathological Trait Facets

Negative Affectivity (Neuroticism)

Wide range of negative emotions and associated behavioral manifestations experienced frequently, intensely, and at high levels

1. Anxiousness

2. Emotional Lability

3. Hostility

4. Perseveration

5. (Lack of) restricted affectivity

6. Separation insecurity

7. Submissiveness

Detachment (Extraversion)

Limited capacity for pleasure, avoidance of socioemotional experience, and withdrawal from others

8. Anhedonia

9. Depressivity

10. Intimacy avoidance

11. Suspiciousness

12. Withdrawal

Antagonism (Agreeableness)

Behaviors that put one at odds with others, such as high self-importance, and callous antipathy

13. Attention seeking

14. Callousness

15. Deceitfulness

16. Grandiosity

17. Manipulativeness

Disinhibition (Conscientiousness)

Impulsive behaviors driven by need for immediate gratification and without regard for consequences

18. Distractibility

19. Impulsivity

20. Irresponsibility

21. (Lack of) rigid perfectionism

22. Risk taking

Psychoticism (Openness to Experiencea)

Odd, eccentric, or unusual behaviors/cognitions

23. Eccentricity

24. Perceptual dysregulation

25. Unusual beliefs/experiences

  1. Note. aMixed findings regarding this link