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Fig. 2 | Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation

Fig. 2

From: Body connection mediates the relationship between traumatic childhood experiences and impaired emotion regulation in borderline personality disorder

Fig. 2

Parallel mediation of early traumatization and emotion regulation deficits by body awareness and body dissociation in women with BPD. Path A represents the effect of early traumatization on each mediator; Path B represents the combined effects of each mediator on emotion regulation deficits; the direct effect represents the effect of early traumatization on emotion regulation deficits, while keeping levels of the mediators constant; the indirect effect represents the combined effect of path A and path B and therefore the mediation. The total effect (not shown here) represents the combined indirect and direct effects. Significance inferences at the 0.05 α level for indirect effects are based upon the notion whether confidence intervals include zero. Trait dissociation included as parallel mediator in Model B. Abbreviations: CTQ, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire; DERS, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale; FDS, German adaptation of the Dissociative Experience Scale; SBC; Scale of Body Connection

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