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Table 2 Mean ratings across BPD criteria for Criterion A (Level of Personality Functioning) and Criterion B (traits)

From: Borderline personality disorder diagnosis in a new key


Mean Rating and Standard Deviation Time 1

Mean Rating and Standard Deviation Time 2

Level of Personality Functioning Domain


2.73 (1.09)

2.72 (.63)


2.36 (1.16)

2.37 (.55)


2.16 (1.25)

2.18 (.52)


2.27 (1.26)

2.24 (.71)

Pathological Trait-Facet


1.07 (1.18)

1.06 (.84)


1.61 (1.16)

1.59 (.64)


1.01 (1.01)

1.02 (.63)


.75 (.86)

.78 (.54)

 Cognitive and Perceptual Distortion

.96 (1.06)

.96 (.77)


.31 (.55)

.32 (.18)


1.51 (1.21)

1.51 (.95)


.72 (.92)

.73 (.39)


.39 (.69)

.38 (.39)

 Emotional Lability

2.05 (1.10)

2.08 (.67)


.57 (.82)

.57 (.37)


1.32 (1.16)*

1.32* (.77)


1.70 (1.13)

1.73 (.89)

 Intimacy Avoidance

.58 (.84)

.59 (.26)


.71 (.96)

.72 (.70)


.79 (.94)

.80 (.67)


.57 (.96)

.57 (.33)

 Restricted Affectivity

.33 (.72)

.32 (.48)

 Rigid Perfectionism

.26 (.61)

.28 (.14)

 Risk Taking

1.14* (1.17)

1.17* (.93)

 Separation Insecurity

1.13* (1.10)

1.14* (.71)


.47 (.74)

.48 (.41)


1.08 (1.17)

1.06 (.87)

 Unusual Beliefs and Experiences

.41 (.78)

.42 (.64)


.61 (.87)

.61 (.43)

  1. N = 20 raters. Bolded entries are mean ratings that round to “2” on a 0–3 scale (= > 1.5). Italicized and starred entries are traits in the AMPD BPD algorithm that did NOT reach this level in the current study. The ICC between time one and time two was 1.0, indicating no significant changes in ratings