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Table 1 Participants’ feedback

From: “There is not much help for mothers like me”: Parenting Skills for Mothers with Borderline Personality Disorder – a newly developed group training program

Summary of n = 15 written feedbacks

What was especially helpful?

− Role play (because of the specific situations)

− The case examples, to talk about taboos

− Examples for concrete parenting behaviors provided in role plays

− That things were put in a nutshell, not too much homework

− The exchange between the mothers

− The informative teamwork in a small group

− The “togetherness” and the help, to not feel being left alone anymore

− To hear the “extremes” of others; the thought, it could have hit me harder

− The appreciative style

− New knowledge to cope with own feelings and to engage in mindfulness

− Homework: it is hard to do homework assignments on a regular basis, but only by doing things in a daily routine is it possible to change/learn things.

− I am glad I could participate as there is not much help for mothers like me

− I had the feeling of trust and was able to show my weak points.

− It was very helpful to reflect my own behavior and to get feedback from the other participants, to learn from the difficulties of others.

What could be improved?

− Too short

− A few of the mindfulness exercises

− I was embarrassed during the role play

− Too much to read

− I didn’t understand the self-care, was too complicated

− Sometimes I felt overwhelmed and under pressure

Which changes occurred due to the training?

− I freak out less when my daughter escapes

− I have less freak-outs and can better cope with difficult situations; my son registers the changes

− Situation with brushing my kid’s teeth is much better

− I am now able to assert myself in a consequent but compromising way

− I can better cope with stress, play more with my son, and manage daily routine under less pressure.

− I am more consequent, calmer, even when my child is aggressive; I feel less pressure to be perfect

− Better coping with feelings and mindfulness

− I am calmer and more balanced with my child

− I can now detect difficult situations in time, and then I try to remain calm and try to support my child.

− When my son cries I am not as stressed and annoyed anymore.

− I yell less at my children. I am more reflected and mind the feelings of my child. I am less devaluating, more consequent and caring.

− I am more aware of the difficulties in raising my child. And more aware of myself. My child benefits immediately from the things I learned.

− I stopped telling my son that he as a person is annoying. It is only his behavior.

− Not only me but also my child feels better.

Do you have any further comments or suggestions for improvement?

− Good program, interesting and difficult because of extreme insights about my own behavior.

− Exhausting, sometimes sad but also gave strength.

− The sessions where good, sometimes a bit difficult to adapt for a baby.

− Everything was very interesting and important, but the training was too short.

− I learned more in these 12 sessions than in 6 months of therapy. It was a pleasant group and everything was explained well. The information was very easy to implement as it was linked to the child.

− Very informative, the training helped me to be more relaxed with the whole thing of “being a mother”: I feel much better than before and would like to participate again.

− I was satisfied and hope that other mothers will benefit from the training

− I learned a lot about myself and my relationship to my child.

− I learned a lot that I can actually apply.

− One session including older children and explaining to them what the problems of mothers with BPD are would be helpful

− More time for each session; maybe each session twice