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Table 1 Comparison of treatments for borderline patients when suicide is the complaint

From: Psychotherapy for suicidal patients with borderline personality disorder: an expert consensus review of common factors across five therapies


GAPPC common factors

BSSG candidate interventions

Links common principles

Bateman common characteristics

Treatment structure

Negotiate a frame for treatment in pre-treatment phase to clarify responsibility and establish a crisis plan

Clear treatment framework.

Increased activity of the therapist to provide a stable framework

Active stance by the therapist to validate and demonstrate empathy, generate attachment and create alliance

Defined strategy for managing suicide crises

Patient role

Recognize and insist on patient’s responsibilities


Foster “greater sense of self agency”

Encourage increased activity, proactivity and self-agency for patient

Therapist behavior

Provide the therapist with coherent conceptualization of meaning of behavior and interventions

Use theory and associated interventions to guide and ground treatment

Promote confidence based on model of understanding.

Manual provides recommended interventions.

Connection between action and feelings

Focus on connections between acts and feelings.

Explain model of pathology to patient to promote cognitive coherence.

Therapeutic relationship

Use the therapeutic relationship and attachment to the therapist to engage suicide


Generate attachment, as above

Handling threat of suicide

Prioritize suicide as a topic to address in sessions


Empathic validation plus prioritization of self destructive behaviors


Support for therapist

Provide support for the therapist


Consultation, supervision, attention to countertransference

Manual supports the therapist