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Table 3 Descriptive statistics across each class profile and for the total sample

From: Clinical profiles of adolescent personality pathology: a latent structure examination of the Semi-Structured Interview for Personality Functioning DSM-5 (STiP-5.1) in a help-seeking sample


Class 1 (n = 289)


Class 2 (n = 111)


Class 3 (n = 43)


Class 4 (n = 59)


Total sample (N = 502)

Age (in years)

15.3 (1.5) [15]

15.6 (1.5) [16]

15.4 (1.7) [16.0]

15.4 (1.5) [15.0]


Biological sex

 Female (n, %)

224, 77.5%

94, 84.7%

30, 69.8%

49, 83.1%


 Male (n, %)

65, 22.5%

17, 15.3%

13, 30.2%

10, 16.9%


STiP-5.1 total score

0.8 (0.5) [0.7]

1.5 (0.5) [1.5]

1.5 (0.5) [1.3]

2.3 (0.6) [2.3]


STiP-5.1: Identity

1.3 (0.8) [1.3]

2.1 (0.9) [2.0]

1.9 (0.8) [1.7]

2.5 (0.7) [2.7]


STiP-5.1: Self-direction

0.7 (0.6) [0.7]

2.2 (0.7) [2.0]

1.2 (0.7) [1.3]

2.4 (0.8) [2.3]


STiP-5.1: Empathy

0.5 (0.5) [0.3]

0.7 (0.6) [0.7]

1.7 (0.7) [1.7]

2.1 (0.7) [2.0]


STiP-5.1: Intimacy

0.5 (0.6) [0.3]

1.1 (0.9) [1.0]

1.1 (0.7) [1.0]

2.0 (1.0) [2.0]


Fulfilled BPD criteria

1.9 (1.9) [2.0]

3.6 (2.3) [3.0]

3.3 (2.1) [3.0]

4.4 (2.6) [4.0]


Depressivity (CDRS-R)

46.7 (15.2) [47.0]

60.6 (14.4) [63.0]

51.4 (14.2) [51.0]

60.8 (16.3) [61.0]


Emotion Dysregulation (DERS)

56.2 (13.7) [57.0]

63.7 (10.9) [64.0]

60.5 (13.9) [63.0]

66.3 (10.6) [66.0]



21.1 (6.6) [20.5]

16.1 (5.7) [16.0]

18.1 (5.8) [17.0]

16.5 (6.0) [16.0]


Number of MINI-KID diagnoses

2.2 (1.9) [2.0]

3.6 (2.6) [3.0]

3.4 (2.2) [3.0]

4.0 (2.4) [4.0]


Number of NSSI in the past year

40.4 (67.0) [12.0]

79.4 (110.6) [30.0]

87.2 (131.0) [22.5]

77.9 (107.2) [33.0]


Suicide attempts in the past year

4.0 (32.1) [0.0]

2.9 (8.0) [0.0]

4.3 (15.8) [1.0]

2.7 (5.5) [1.0]


  1. M (SD) [Median], STiP-5.1 Semi-structured Interview for Personality Functioning DSM-5 (higher scores higher impairment), BPD Borderline Personality Disorder, CDRS-R Children’s Depression Rating Scale – Revised, DERS Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, HRQoL Health Related Quality of Life, MINI-KID The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents, NSSI Non-Suicidal Self-Injury. Means and SD for the total sample are provided in Table 1