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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of the sample (N=502)

From: Clinical profiles of adolescent personality pathology: a latent structure examination of the Semi-Structured Interview for Personality Functioning DSM-5 (STiP-5.1) in a help-seeking sample


M (SD) / n (%)

Living with biological parents

 Lives with both biological parentsa (n, %)

282 (56.2)

Family status

 Living together (n, %)

111 (45.3)

 Parents separated/divorced (n, %)

127 (51.8)

 Parents separated by death (n, %)

2 (0.8)

 Parents never lived together (n, %)

4 (1.6)

 Unknown/other (n, %)

1 (0.4)

School type (currently completing or graduated)b

 Primary School (ISCED levels 0–1; at least 6 school years) (n, %)

71 (14.1)

 Secondary School (ISCED level 2; 9–10 school years) (n, %)

347 (69.1)

 High School (ISCED level 3; 12–13 school years) (n, %)

80 (15.9)

 Other (n, %)

4 (0.8)

STiP-5.1 scores M (SD)

 Total score

1.17 (0.72)


1.68 (0.95)


1.30 (0.96)


0.85 (0.78)


0.87 (0.87)

 Number of fulfilled BPD criteria (M (SD))

2.70 (2.29)

 Depressivity (CDRS-R) (M (SD))

51.86 (16.38)

 Emotion Dysregulation (DERS) (M (SD))

59.44 (13.35)

 HRQoL (M (SD))

19.17 (6.69)

 MINI-KID (number of diagnoses) (M (SD))

2.82 (2.27)

 NSSI (in the past year) (M (SD))

57.34 (91.69)

 Suicide attempts (in the past year) (M (SD))

3.61 (25.14)

  1. STiP-5.1 Semi-structured Interview for Personality Functioning DSM-5 higher scores (higher impairment), BPD Borderline Personality Disorder, CDRS-R Children’s Depression Rating Scale – Revised, DERS Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, HRQoL Health Related Quality of Life, MINI-KID The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents, NSSI Non-Suicidal Self-Injury
  2. aRemaining participants who do not live with both biological parents might live with only one biological parent, step-parents, or any other variation of family composition regarding parents/legal guardians
  3. bEducation levels are based on International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)